What People Are Saying About “Let There Be Light”

"The film was brilliant. We all cried at the end for sure and several times during the show. How blessed we are to have known our century's Michelangelo's!!"
Sherry Brown
DC Resident
"Wow! You managed to deliver, quite seamlessly, how-to and bio and art and philosophy, history, and even dramatic elements in a single, compelling story. Tour d'force!"
Tom Gherardi
Entertainment Attorney
"Loved it have watched it over and over Rowen is a doll! Thanks, Peter."
Barbara Trujillo Nichols
Glass Artist
"The film is beautiful. You've done a wonderful job of relating the nuances of this still-developing story, and, in the end, even I was surprised tolearn so much more of the story."
Andy Bittner
Cathedral Docent
"Don't remember if I thanked you for the chance to see your beautiful film "Light." A really top-notch piece of work."
Roy Day
Former NASA Administrator
"Profound statements about artand life! The sit-down interviews you did were beautifully lit – reallymatched the beautiful light of the film's subject."
Morgan Howard
Media Producer
"Wonderful and exhilarating and countless other positive adjectives. Everyone I’ve talked to (or overheard) seemed to bemesmerized by your exquisite film."
Susan Arritt
Publications Editor
"Thank you so much for bringing your film! It was a wonderful start to our conference. All our members who I've spoken to loved the film - as did I. Look forward to your next!"
Rona Moody
Glass Artist
“Your film is probably the best I have ever seen about stained glass artistry and those who design, cast and ultimately create the beauty of sacred light in sacred space.”
The Rt. Reverend John Bryson Chane, D.D
8th Bishop of Washington